Photo courtesy of Bronny Daniels.
Chris and The Favored End are not associated with any sailmaker. With 35+ years in sailmaking business Chris can come onboard and help you and your team objectively evaluate your sail inventory with an eye to maximizing performance and value in concert with your goals. Periodically photographing and measuring the shape of each sail in your inventory is a the only way to make smart sail buying decisions.
Sails are by far the largest operating cost to any racing program. For far less than the cost of a new sail, Chris will help you evaluate your current inventory and decide where you can get the most value for your dollar. Included are which sails to purchase now, and a plan for purchases down the road. Working with your sailmaker, Chris will even help you by suggesting, if possible, recuts to you existing sails to make them faster.
Your sails are your boat’s engine, optimize them to be the best they can be.