Resources to Sail Faster

At the Favored End we believe in constantly learning in order to improve ourselves. Collected here, are articles that will help you and your team improve your racing and sailing skills. Subscribe to The Favored End to be notified when new articles are added.
Local Knowledge: San Diego
I’ve been sailing in San Diego for over 25 years on all sorts of boats, from Snipes to J/24s and Etchells so I’ve spent plenty of days on the South Bay and off Point Loma. Luckily for NOOD racers spring is the windiest time of year in San Diego and it’s the one season where we can experience the most variety in the winds in which we sail. We can get the classic sea breeze, but we also get more frontal-based winds driven by the fronts that come all the way down from the north, stop near Southern California, and then peter out.